Bealls Florida is your ultimate destination for unbeatable deals on a wide array of products, featuring exclusive coupon codes, discount codes, and promo codes. Explore their extensive collections during seasonal sales and discover incredible discounts on clothing, accessories, home goods, and more. Benefit from the convenience of free shipping on many items, making it easier to shop from the comfort of your home without extra costs.

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Q1: Is free shipping available?

Ans: Yes, free shipping is available on order for $99.

Q2: What is the return and refund policy?

Ans: Returns with receipt within 60 days will be refunded to the original method of payment. Refunds will be issued as an in-store merchandise credit for the current selling price of the item.

Q3: What payment methods accepts?

Ans: They accept all major credit and debit cards VISA, American Express, Mastercard as well PayPal.

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