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Q1: What payment method do FireStar Toys accept?
Ans: They accept all major credit and debit cards including Visa, AMEX, Maestro, PayPal, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Klarna.
Q2: What is the return policy?
Ans: If you wish to return part or all of your order, Firestar Toys ask that this request is made within 14 days of receipt of your order. Items will need to be sent back to their warehouse for inspection and may be subject to a restocking fee.
Q3: How much is shipping cost?
Ans: In order to help make sure your order arrives on time they have provided a number of delivery options depending on where in the world you live, the value of your order, and the total weight of your order. You can find more details relating to this on their Delivery & Returns page.