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Q1: What payment methods do Regis Salons accept?
Ans: Regis Salons accepts all major credit/debit cards including Visa, American Express, Mastercard,
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Diners Club, Shop Pay, Union Pay, Discover and Maestro.
Q2: What is the Regis Salon return and refund policy?
Ans: Regis Salons will refund the total price and reasonable return delivery charges if you return faulty or misdescribed products. Get your refunds in 30 days after returning the item back to the seller.
Q3. What is the Regis Salons Subscription policy?
Ans: You'll receive regular deliveries based on your chosen duration and frequency when you purchase a subscription. Your payment details are securely stored, and you'll be charged for each delivery unless you pay in advance. Some subscriptions auto-renew, but you can cancel anytime. Manage your subscription or cancel through links in your order confirmation emails.